A snow plow is clearing the road in winter.

Keeping Your Home Cool with Energy Efficient Windows

Western New York has a habit of holding on to the chill of winter for too long. This past winter was certainly no exception. Luckily, the snows finally seem to have gone, the air is taking on the sweet smell of fresh flowers, and we’re finally making our way into the comfort of spring.

In some parts of the country, this transition means being able to switch off the air conditioning, leaving mother nature to keep the home comfortable. Unfortunately, Western New York is just as much home to sweltering summer weather as it is frigid winters, not to mention the costly energy bills that come with both. As CarbonRally details, the average American homeowner will have to shell out $280 a year just to keep their home comfortable through the spring and summer. What many don’t realize, though, is that with a few tweaks to the home — particularly where their windows are concerned — they can help lower that cost.

Two Killer Tips for Keeping your A/C Costs Down with the Help of Your Windows

  • Upgrade to Energy Efficient Windows

The single best thing you can do to keep your home cool and your energy bills cooler as

you wave goodbye to winter is upgrade your outdated windows to new windows, specifically those rated as energy efficient windows. Modern Window’s Energy Xtreme family of windows, for example, features a special low e-coating that helps let the beauty of natural light into your home, without bringing any unwanted heat with it. Your window contractors can tell you more about all the great energy saving features that the latest energy efficient windows offer.

  • Get Smart with Your Shades

Adding curtains to your energy efficient windows can be a great way to get the most savings out of them, but you have to be smart about it. It can be really tempting to throw blackout curtains over your windows during the spring and summer to help keep the sun out and your home cool. As Houzz points out, this approach not only ruins the beauty of your home, it might also use more energy. Many homeowners block out the sun, instead turning to artificial light that doesn’t generate so much heat. The problem? You have to pay for that light.

Your best bet is to use white sheers. The white color of the curtains will bounce back the heat of the sun, while still letting the radiance of those perfect spring and summer days shine through.

What are some of the best ways you’ve found to keep your A/C bills low in the spring and summer? Share your ideas with us in the comments below!